Selecting Loads For Grower Transfer

Before selecting loads check all details, including acquirer, payment method and destination site are correct. If they are incorrect, click on the Cancel button to return to the Load Nomination screen.  Details of the loads you have delivered, but not yet nominated an Acquirer for, are displayed.

Info Icon  If required, click on the Load Number to view more specific details about the load, such as the quality test results, gross and tare weight details.  Clicking on the column headings will sort the data in order.

Warining Icon   Pay particular attention to the Days Left to Nominate.  This is the number of days left before the Grain Administration fee will be charged.

  1. Identify the loads to be transferred
  2. Click in the Tonnes to Transfer column
  3. To transfer:
    1. All of the load, click on the ALL button;
    2. To split the load and transfer only part of it, type in the Tonnes to Transfer;
    3. To transfer all available loads click on the Select All Loads button.
  1. Review the Total Selected field at the top or bottom of the screen to ensure transfer quantity is correct
  2. Click on the Transfer Loads button

After selecting to transfer the loads a confirmation window will display load details.  In this window you will have the opportunity to Confirm or Cancel your selection.


Contents Button
