Grower Transfer Confirmation

Your details and the details of  the secondary grower (Intended Load Recipient) are displayed at the top of the screen.  Ensure these are correct before continuing.  If they are incorrect select the Cancel button to re-enter your selection.

Listed in the lower part of the screen are the loads selected for transfer.  Click on the Load Number to view specific details of the load.

  1. Check details including Acquirer, Method and Destination Site
  2. Check the Tonnes Nominated
  3. Click on the Confirm Transfer button to complete the transfer

Confirmation of your Grower Transfer request will appear and display a reference number.  These details can be printed if required.

Warning Icon  The submission of a request by a grower is not confirmation that the transfer has been completed.  Please check for confirmation that the request has been completed or cancelled.

  1. Return to the Load Nomination window
  2. Click on All Requests button to view the newly created grower transfer request


Contents Button
